#ITFitness test - 16,000 Czechs test their eSkills in 2015


#ITFitness test - 16,000 Czechs test their eSkills in 2015

The ITFitness is an online tool that allows users to measure their ICT competences. The tool, which is being managed by Dům zahraniční spolupráce (DZS), the organisation that coordinates the eSkills for Jobs campaign in the Czech Republic, has been used by almost 16,000 users since its launch in September of last year.

The ITFitness test was originally developed by IT Association Slovakia as part of the Slovakian eSkills for Jobs campaign, has quickly made an impact with pupils since its deployment in the Czech Republic. According to some of the primary school pupils from Český Těšín who took the ITFitness test:

“I reached a high score. It was great fun. I am sure I will want to try it again in future.” 

“I think that PCs are very important for our future and everybody will need to learn how to use them.” 

To view further testimonials from pupils who have taken the test, watch the video produced by the eSkills for Jobs CZ campaign.

The Slovakian IT Fitness test is still running until the end of January, so for any of our readers in Slovakia who have yet to take the test, measure your eSkills today!


© Σύνδεσμος Επιχειρήσεων Πληροφορικής & Επικοινωνιών Ελλάδας - ΣΕΠΕ, 2016

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